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Sale of works of art in Medellin Pinturas.jpg

Marketing of works of art in Medellín.
Online art galleries in Medellín, Art PAINTINGS Gallery. Famous painters and works of art in the world

Painters artists - Paintings works of art

The painters you will see below are in alphabetical order by first and last name, click on the artist of your interest to see their BIOGRAPHY and ART PAINTINGS:

Why be on our platform: The way customers search for products and services in the market today has changed thanks to the internet. Traditional shopping methods have been displaced by online searches. In Latin America, out of 10 people who search, 9 do so on the GOOGLE search engine. Being at the top of Google with your product or service generates effective business contacts, market positioning and brand recall.

When people search: "works of art sculptures in Medellín" or "works of art paintings in Medellín" Grupo Echavarría Rúa is found on the first page of Google. Being with us on our portal generates effective business contacts.

How do we do business? We charge a 15% commission , the client who has the work(s), sends us the photos, measurements, technique used, artist and very important the certificate of authenticity of the work, with the estimated value of this . Once the work is sold, the client creates the invoice or collection account if required and pays Grupo Echavarria Rúa the 15% commission.

If the client sells the work through his own means, he must inform Grupo Echavarría Rúa that he has already sold it so that it can be marked as sold and not offered again.

Grupo Echavarría Rúa does not charge any additional money for mounting the work on the platform .

1 - Artist painters - Paintings by ORIGINAL Famous Artists with a long history in the Art Market

2 - Artist Painters - Paintings by ORIGINAL Artists who are making their way in the Art Market

fotos de mascotas a obras de arte

fotos de mascotas a obras de arte

Fotografia o retratos a obra de arte

Fotografia o retratos a obra de arte

Obras de arte a partir de fotografías

Obras de arte a partir de fotografías

Pintura de fotografias en medellin

Pintura de fotografias en medellin

Obras de arte personalizadas medellin

Obras de arte personalizadas medellin

Pintamos tu mascota en una obra de arte

Pintamos tu mascota en una obra de arte

de fotos a pintura en medellin

de fotos a pintura en medellin

Pintura de fotografias en medellin

Pintura de fotografias en medellin

Fotografia o retratos a obra de arte

Fotografia o retratos a obra de arte

Obras de arte a partir de fotografías

Obras de arte a partir de fotografías

Adela Zambrano (Interpretación de la obra Retrato de Adele Bloch-Bauer I de Gustav Klimt ) Técnica: Óleo/lienzo Año : 2023 Medidas: 100x100 cm

Descargue GUÍA ARTISTAS POSICIONADOS para comercializar sus obras de arte
en nuestro sitio web

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on our website

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