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Advertising magnets
For vehicles and refrigerators
in Medellin
Advertising on magnets for cars (vehicles, cars),
refrigerators and elevators or winches.
Magnet cards in Medellín.

Publicidad en imanes para carros en la ciudad de Medellín, Medida Stándart: 48 cms ancho x 31 cms alto, acabado especial para exteriores, en calibre 8 mm.
Valor: $60.000 cada uno 1mm.
Nota importante: Para alargar la vida útil del imán cada 2 días retire y limpie superficie del carro y del imán. Cuando no esté en uso almacene de forma plana.

Advertising on refrigerator magnets in Medellín.
Business cards in magnets or magnetized, different sizes, finished with rounded tips, and die-cut, with matte and gloss filter, in 4 mm caliber.
Tamaños de Imanes publicitarios en Medellín para neveras

Some of our images are for reference
Size: 5X4cm
Tamaño: 5 x 4,4 cm
Size: 5x5cm

Tamaño: 6,2 X 4 cm

Size: 6x6cm

Size: 7 x 5cm

Size: 7.5 x 4.4cm

Tamaño: 9 X 5 cm

Tamaño: 8 x 6,2 cm
Tamaños de Imanes publicitarios en Medellín para neveras REDONDOS
Size: 4.8 cm diameter

Tamaño: 5,7 cm díametro

Size: 6.5 cm diameter
Size: 7.2 cm diameter

Magnets advertising safety protocols for elevators or winches in Medellín
Magnet: 50 x 80 cm
polystyrene: 50 x 80 cm

Customer testimonial of advertising films for vehicles
Download here quote prices for advertising magnets
for refrigerators and cars
Watch our advertising magnets video
for refrigerators and cars
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