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Pintor de obras de arte:
Pablo Picasso



Pablo Ruiz Picasso (Málaga, 1881 - Moulins, France, 1973) Spanish painter. Picasso's transcendence does not end in the founding of Cubism, a revolutionary trend that definitively broke with traditional representation by eliminating perspective and a single point of view. Throughout his long career, Pablo Picasso incessantly explored new paths and influenced all facets of 20th century art, embodying like no other the restlessness and receptivity of the contemporary artist. His total dedication to creative work and his vitalistic personality, on the other hand, would never distance him from the problems of his time; One of his masterpieces, Guernica (1937), is the best illustration of his condition as a committed artist.

Mujer desnuda

Mujer desnuda

Autor: Pablo Picasso Técnica: Oleo Medidas en cm: 41x61 cm Año: 1969 Estado: EN VENTA Valor: 5'000.000 USD

Picasso's Nude Woman

Nude Woman Picasso


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