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Pintor de obras de arte:
Josh Marquez


Josh Marquez was born in Medellín in 2003. From a very young age, he showed a notable interest in art, beginning his painting studies at the age of 7.

For four years, he took painting classes under the guidance of two outstanding teachers: Orlando del Río and Myriam , who taught him the techniques of oil on canvas.

After a period of hiatus, in 2021, Josh resumed his passion for painting and began selling his works. He considers himself an autobiographical painter, since each of his creations is a representation of his own life, reflecting his experiences, emotions and personal moments.



Autor: Josh Marquez Técnica: Óleo sobre lienzo Medida: 80 cm X 60 cm Año: 2024 Valor: $1.000.000 Estado: en venta



Autor: Josh Marquez Técnica: Óleo sobre lienzo Medida: 1.15 cm X 1.40 cm Año: ____ Valor: $2.500.000 Estado: en venta

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