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Famous painters of works of art:
José Arévalo Saavedra

José Arévalo, artist from Armero from Toliá; who, due to the disappearance of his native land, today resides in Mérida. He is without a doubt an artist made to measure. Since he was a child he wanted to be one and achieved it with discipline and hard work.
He imparts strong colors to his spots and delicately sgraffito the whites that nuance his figures, giving them volume and character.
Owls and more owls, the wise bird is to Arévalo, like Rembrandt, indispensable in his creation.
Landscapes, still lifes and the description of Latin American socio-economic and costurist situations also make up the artistic work that characterizes him as a serious officiant and dedicated to the exercise of his work.
![]() Buhos - Obras de arteAutor: JOSÉ ARÉVALO SAAVEDRA Técnica: Mixta sobre lienzo Medida: 126cm x 140cm Año: - Valor: $11.765.000 Estado: en venta |