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Servicio de impresión digital cuarto de pliego (33 X 50 cms), con acabados brillo UV y laminados mate en medellín
Digital printing service in Medellín
Some of our images are for reference use
Optimal quality digital printing on different substrates (materials) up to 300 g:
Digital printing on glossy propalcotes on both sides, 90, 115, 150, 200, 250 and 300grs
Digital printing on two-sided matte propalcotes, 90, 115, 150, 200, 250 and 300 grs
Digital printing on transparent and white vinyl stickers.
Digital printing on opaline and linear white
Digital printing on albanene.

Precio para 500 unidades Acabado laminado mate 2 caras, reserva 2 caras $pdte

Prices digital printing on transparent and white vinyl adhesive
Full color 1 side - Size 33 x 50
Prices for digital printing in 1-sided full color propalcotes and for special cards we handle linear white 220 grs
Paper increases:
P4 adhesive $900
Opaline $1,000
Linear white $1,000
Albanene $1,600
Teslin $2,800
Download lithograph quote here