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Monday to Friday: 7:00 am - 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Saturdays: 7:00 am - 1:30 am
Sundays - Holidays: No There is Service

Some of our images are for reference use
Billboard man or popman, advertising flags
for the back in Medellín.
#1 - Hombre valla o Pop Man, Banderas o vallas publicitarias para la espalda tipo veleta doble cara
Comfortable, practical, light and innovative.
We create your design on both sides at no additional cost.
Printing on special non-translucent outdoor canvas, which allows you to make 2 different designs for each side.
Aluminum structure.
Includes briefcase
Size: 100 cm (above the head) x 50 cm wide ($ 45,000) Price includes 2-sided printing

Hombre valla o popman bandera espalda me

Hombre valla o popman bandera espalda me

Hombre valla o popman bandera espalda me
#2 - Hombre valla o Pop Man, Banderas o vallas
publicitarias para la espalda tipo araña 1 cara
Comfortable, practical, light and innovative.
We prepare your 1-sided design at no additional cost.
Printing on special non-translucent outdoor canvas.
Aluminum structure.
Includes briefcase
Height: 120 cm x 60 cm wide ( $320,000) Price includes 1 -sided printing

Hombre valla, popman, pendon para person

Hombre valla, popman, pendon para person
Some of our images are for reference use
Descargue acá cotización de hombre
vallas o popman
Fence Man Instructions
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