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Servicio de Diseñadores Gráficos Online en Medellín
Servicio de Diseñadores Gráficos Online en Medellín, creación de imagen corporativa, creación de logos para empresas
Algunas de nuestras imágenes son de uso referencial
Echavarría Rúa Group, thinking about the difficulties encountered by those who market lithography services, either because they do not have or do not know how to use the different design tools or because this activity requires a lot of time, we have organized a professional group willing to provide comprehensive advice. under compliance parameters because we know that the time variable is crucial in your business and at very competitive prices in the market, all so that you and we continue to grow.
Design of advertising pieces such as business cards.
Corporate identity manual design
Logo design
Logo vectorization
Leave the graphic design in our hands.

Think no more!
Call us or write to us now
Tipos de Diseños Gráficos Online en Medellín, creación de imagen corporativa, creación de logos para empresas con sus respectivos precios

Type 1 designs
business card designs, flyers, commercial stationery: invoice stubs, collection accounts, income, expenses, letterhead sheets

Vectorization logo 1
Text Type
It consists of converting images made up of pixels (jpg, png, tiff, gif...) to vector images (cdr, ai). Many clients have logos in very poor resolution which are not suitable for different graphic pieces, so you have to resort to vectorization of the logo

Logo only design
Text-only logo design for companies, defining fonts, colors, proportions...

Corporate Identity Manual
Creation of complete identity manual.
the brand, construction, color, typography, incorrect uses, stationery, applications

Type 2 designs
Designs of graphic pieces such as 1 and 2 body brochures, brochure folder

Vectorization logo 2
Type Logo and text
It consists of converting images made up of pixels (jpg, png, tiff, gif...) to vector images (cdr, ai). Many clients have logos in very poor resolution which are not suitable for different graphic pieces, so you have to resort to vectorization of the logo

Logo only design
Text and logo logo design for companies, defining fonts, colors, proportions...

Type 3 designs
Design of graphic pieces such as menu cards for restaurants, cafes, ice cream...

Vectorization logo 3
Tipo más complejidad en detalles
Consiste en convertir imagenes formadas por pixeles (jpg,png,tiff,gif...) a imagenes en vectores (cdr, ai), muchos clientes tienen logotipos en muy mala resolución los cuales no sirven para diferentes piezas gráficas por lo que hay que acudir a la vectorización del logo

Logo only design
More complex logo design in details for companies, defining fonts, colors, proportions...
Algunas de nuestras imágenes son de uso referencial
Download graphic design prices here
Ejemplo de manual de
identidad corporativa
Testimonio cliente de diseño gráfico