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Monday to Friday: 7:00 am - 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Saturdays: 7:00 am - 1:30 am
Sundays - Holidays: No There is Service

Service of art curator, critical restorer and appraiser of works of art.
Appraisals of works of art, Appraiser of works of art.
1- Curador de Obras de Arte

"What a curator does is create a connection between the pieces to create something greater than the sum of the individual pieces. The connection of the pieces with a context creates a story, which is how people will ultimately remember the whole "Julius Wiedemann.
A curator or art curator is the person in charge of the "artistic curation of an exhibition show" or of "curating an exhibition." ... This is a professional trained in the set of knowledge that enables the exhibition, valuation, management, preservation and administration of artistic assets.
2- Critical Restorer of Works of Art

Los restauradores/as, son profesionales especialistas cuyo trabajo es preservar y cuidar a largo plazo los objetos artísticos, objetos culturales y patrimonio mueble e inmueble, tanto público como privado.
3- Appraiser or Appraiser of Works of Art.
Appraisals of works of art

An experienced appraiser researches and analyzes details related to the work itself, the artist's career background, and current markets and trends before determining how much it is worth.