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Famous Art Sculptors:
William Agudelo

Born on January 2, 1966 in a village in the town of Cedeño/municipality of Yarumal/Antioquia/Colombia. Where only poverty was constant, and the sun broke the dawn, his father disturbed the trills of the birds with his old guitar and the smell of the burning of not very dry firewood lit by the blessed hands of his mother, complementing the beautiful landscape of his land, his spirit as a sculptor and poet, to whom he dedicates his humble creations. His artistic beginnings under the direction of the sculptor and poet Agustín de Jesús Agudelo Correa. His works made of Italian marble, stone and bronze have been positioned in several markets around the world. He has held exhibitions in Yarumal, El Retiro, Medellín, Cartagena and Bogotá. He currently exhibits his works permanently in his gallery workshop, located in the rural area of the municipality of El Retiro, Antioquia-Colombia.
![]() Título Obra: - Autor: William Agudelo Torres Material: Piedra Caliza Base en marmol de 35 ancho x 65 alto Medida: 28 ancho x 85 de alto Año:- Valor: $20.000.000 Contacto: Diego Echavarria Celular 313 628 9945 | ![]() Título Obra: - Autor: William Agudelo Torres Material: Piedra Caliza Base en marmol de 35 ancho x 65 alto Medida: 28 ancho x 85 de alto Año:- Valor: $20.000.000 Contacto: Diego Echavarria Celular 313 628 9945 |