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Printing menu cards for fast food restaurants, ice cream, salpicones, typical food.
Below you can find the different types of menu cards for fast food restaurants, ice cream, salpicones, and typical food that you can make with us.
The menu cards are ordered from the simplest to the most complex so that it is easier to identify your needs according to your budget.

#1 Restaurant menu card
polystyrene 60 size 1 letter
1 body, 1 face:
#2 Carta de menú restaurantes
poliestileno 60 tamaño 1 carta
de 1 cuerpo 2 cara:

Letter in polystyrene with matte or glossy laminated adhesive. Includes design, client supplies photos and logo in Corel or Illustrator.
Size: Letter 1 body, 1 side
Minimum production 6 units

Letter in polystyrene with matte or glossy laminated adhesive. Includes design, client supplies photos and logo in Corel or Illustrator.
Size: Letter 1 body, double sided
Minimum production 6 units
Algunas de nuestra imágenes son de referencia
#3 Carta de menú restaurantes poliestileno tamaño carta de 2 cuerpos:

Letter in polystyrene with matte or glossy laminated adhesive. Includes design, client supplies photos and logo in Corel or Illustrator.
Size: Letter 2 bodies double-sided, minimum production 6 units
#4 Polystyrene restaurant menu menu letter size of 3 bodies:

Carta en poliestileno con adhesivo laminado mate o brillante. Incluye diseño, cliente suministra fotos y logotipo en corel o ilustrator.
Tamaño: Carta 3 cuerpos doble cara, mínimo de producción 6 unidades
#5 Ringed polystyrene restaurant menu menu

In polystyrene with matte or glossy laminated adhesive. Includes design, client supplies photos and logo in PDF or illustrator (Editable).
Minimum production 6 units
Download letter quotes here
menu for restaurants
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