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Market cart padlocks with marked keys

Padlocks for market carts of Medellín residential units.

Padlocks for residential unit market carts in Medellín

  • Avoid the discomfort caused to the residents of the residential unit by not finding the market cart in its place.

  • Padlock with a special mechanism, which consists of the resident opening the padlock with their key, taking the cart but cannot take out their key (marked with their apartment number) until they return the cart to its place. (The product is also sold with the guides and casing for installation)

  • Includes: Padlock, guaya, stainless steel metal casing, number of copies of keys contracted and marked with the respective apartment #.

  • Does not include shipping costs

Candados para carritos de mercado con llaves marcadas
Candados para carritos de mercado con llaves marcadas
Market carts with covertor medellin
Market cart padlocks with marked keys

Download a quote for padlocks here and
market carts

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