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Apps for our websites, different functionalities
to make your life easier
APP'S For our web pages
Now, like on your Smartphone, you can add Apps to your website to give it new functionalities. Below are the most used by our clients:

Blog App
Make your clients see you as an expert in your market, post news of interest, give your opinion, suggest and much more, generating traffic to your website.

App Documentos para mis clientes
Agregue un archivo de documento a su sitio para que los visitantes puedan descargarlo rápida y fácilmente. Los tipos de archivos válidos incluyen PDF, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, txt y otros

Event Agenda App
Organize your agenda and share important events directly on your site. Tell your site visitors about:
Upcoming exhibitions
Extraordinary events
special holidays

Online Business Card App
The key information that your client is looking for: opening hours, address and telephone number accompanied by a map and the name of your company.

App Tabla maestra
Actualiza tu página utilizando tablas que puedes personalizar para que combinen con el estilo de tu marca. Usa una tabla para organizar contenido, crear listas, ordenar detalles de contactos, actualizar datos y más.

Restaurant Reservation App
Convert more web traffic into diners.
Allow your visitors to easily make reservations at your restaurant 24/7 from your website.

App Visitor Counter to my website
Count the number of visitors to your website.

Photo Galleries App
The most modern and innovative photo galleries: honeycomb, slideshows, 3D carousel, 3D slideshow, accordion, collage, slider...

QR Codes App
Add a QR code to your website and improve the user experience on mobile devices.

Virtual Agent App - chat
Chat Agent offers an automated agent + live chat for your site.
When you're offline, automated agents provide answers to visitors, convert them into leads, provide customer service, and do everything else you've set them up to do.

Dropbox App
Share your Dropbox content directly to your website.

App Testimoniales
Cree confianza en su comunidad y enriquezca los contenidos de su sitio a través de un widget de Testimonios bellamente diseñado para su sitio.
App Subir documento pesados
Necesita que sus clientes le suban documentos pesados a la nube y luego usted los pueda usar?
¡ Ésta es su solución !